Next Program Dates

March 19 - June 14

Apply By

12 March

Free Educational Program
About the program

Become a cloud practitioner

Femme Forward targeting the low representation of women in digital jobs. Through an innovative and comprehensive training programme, women with various backgrounds will be empowered to start a career in tech.

​If you are unemployed or underemployed and want to upskill, this program is perfect for you! 

Who this program is for:

  • Women who want to change careers for better job prospects
  • Migrants and refugees whose qualifications are not recognized in the EU
  • Young graduates from non-tech degrees who want to move into tech positions
  • Women re-entering the labor market after maternity
Weekly schedule

Monday - Friday

09.00 – 18.00


12 weeks

40 hours/week


Live Online

Language: Greek
Content: English

Prerequisites: None



The AWS re/Start program offers targeted training for specific job roles like technical support specialist, systems administrator, and infrastructure engineer, among others.

AWS re/Start's program combines practical coursework and labs, providing exposure to real-world scenarios, to impart technical skills for beginning and intermediate-level cloud positions.

Participants are also equipped with essential professional skills, such as effective communication, teamwork, resume crafting, and interview preparation, to enhance their readiness for job interviews and employer interactions. This comprehensive approach aims to fully prepare learners for their career paths in the tech industry.






AWS Cloud skills


Kickstart Your Career in Cloud for free!

19 Mar

Start Date

12 Mar

Last Apply



Application Process

Navigating Your Path to AWS Certification


Apply to the Program

Submit your application.
Tell us about yourself and your motivation to enroll.


Evaluation Questionnaire

After submitting your application, you must complete an evaluation assessment for entering in this program.


Welcome to the program!

You are eligible to participate in the program based on the criteria and assessment results.


Program completion!

You knowledge will be certified by AWS, the biggest cloud provider in the world!


Become an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

Take the exam and get certified

The partners

The Backbone of Femme Forward's Erasmus+ Project

A dynamic consortium of 15 Partners


  • 1 Digital skills expert organisation

  • 1 Higher Education Partner

  • 10 Training organisations

  • 3 Private Companies

Support Femme-Forward

We support women in pursuing a career in tech. Lets work together!

Become a mentor

Become a mentor

Fill the form

Hire diverse talent

Hire diverse talent

Fill the form

Community partners

Women Do Business
Girls in Tech

Absolutely NOT. This is a free course supported by EU and AWS to help women upskilling. Are you ready ?

You are not sure if this program is for you? Are you wondering what you will learn? Here it is.