The 5 Best Data Engineering Master Degrees

Are you passionate about the field of data science and specifically the realm of Data Engineering?

Do you believe that it's time to delve even deeper into the field and enhance your portfolio with practical knowledge and projects?

If so, you're in the right place, as today we're exploring 5 postgraduate options that might be exactly what you're looking for to acquire specialized knowledge and become a Data Engineer.

Job opportunities in Data Engineering are steadily increasing, and the professional prospects are quite promising.

There are numerous options for postgraduate studies in Data Engineering.

So let's start with the Data Engineering Bootcamp which although not a master's degree, is a complete program that has a lot to offer.

#1: Data Engineering Bootcamp (Big Blue Data Academy)

Tuition: 1.990€

Duration: 14 weeks

Website: Data Engineering Bootcamp

The Data Engineering Bootcamp is tailored for individuals with diverse backgrounds who aspire to become successful Data Engineers.

We equip you with the most sought-after skills that companies are looking for, emphasizing comprehensive knowledge and professional development.

Participants have the opportunity to receive thorough training in:

Python and SQL

Web Scraping & APIs

Data Warehousing & Data Lakes

Git - CI/CD pipelines

Docker & Airflow


Upon completing the program, participants gain access to our extensive job placement network, supporting your career advancement.

Our career advisors prepare you from the program's start, assisting with CVs, LinkedIn profiles, and technical interviews to help you secure a job!

#2: M.Sc. in Data Engineering (Constructor University, Germany)

Tuition: 20.000€/year

Duration: 2 years

Website: Data Engineering (Master of Science - Graduate program)

For those aiming to specialize in Data Engineering, the Constructor University offers an M.Sc. in Data Engineering in Bremen, Germany.

Core courses cover subjects such as:

Data Security

Data Analysis

Data Visualization

The program provides in-depth education and offers four focus areas for further specialization:

Computer Science



Business Engineering & Supply Chain Management

In the final semester, students conduct research and complete a master's thesis under the guidance of their academic advisor.

The program also emphasizes soft skills like ethics, communication, and presentation.

#3: Applied MSc in Data Engineering for Artificial Intelligence (Biot, France)

Tuition and Duration: 17,850€ for accelerated 15-month course or 8,925€ annually for 2 years

Website: Applied MSc in Data Engineering for Artificial Intelligence

The Applied MSc in Data Engineering for Artificial Intelligence program includes 730 hours of classes and 50 hours of support sessions.

The 15-month option includes an 850-hour (5 to 6 months) practical exercise.

The program provides essential education in analyzing, designing, implementing, and monitoring IT architectures and Big Data.

Courses cover areas such as:

Data structures


Hadoop και Spark

Devops and Continuous Integration Architecture

MSc in Data Science and Engineering (Cyprus University of Technology)

Duration: 13-48 months

Website: MSc in Data Science and Engineering

This postgraduate program aims to create professionals and engineers with skills in various scientific axes, including:

Data Analysis using advanced statistical methods (Statistical Machine Learning)

Software and distributed systems

Computer networks and communications



Courses also delve extensively into Natural Language Processing (NLP) and computer security, and a master's thesis is required for completion.

#5: MSc in Data Engineering (Edinburgh Napier University)

Tuition:€8,590 for 180 credits

Duration: 21-33 months

Website: MSc in Data Engineering

This master's program from Edinburgh Napier University involves studying and working with large and complex datasets to gain knowledge and experience in tools and techniques crucial for a Data Engineer.

The program has both theoretical and practical application of these skills and tools.

Furthermore, it is offered online and is suitable even for individuals looking to change careers or upgrade their skills.

Some of the courses studied include:

Data management and processing

Database systems

Business intelligence

Information systems engineering

Lastly, the completion of a master's thesis is foreseen after the successful culmination of all other modules.

In a Nutshell

Whether you choose to follow the traditional path of postgraduate studies or opt for the Bootcamp, there is no right or wrong choice.

As we can see, there are numerous options, and the right choice depends on individual preferences.

However, if you're seeking substantial practical education from top experts in the field of Data Engineering, then explore the Data Engineering Bootcamp and elevate your career!

Big Blue Data Academy