The 15 Best Events for Women in Tech (2023)

In recent years, with the collective effort to empower and encourage women in the field of technology, numerous technological events have been organized specifically for professional women who may be taking their first steps in this industry.

Many women, in fact, serve as inspiration and have taken the initiative to establish various technological companies with significant impact and benefits.

In today's article, we will explore the following 15 best events for women in tech that are worth attending:

 Women in Digital

 WomenTech Global Conference

 The Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit

 Women in Tech Global Summit


 European Women in Tech

 Women of Silicon Roundabout

 Roadmap to Billions

 Women in Tech Conference

 Women in AI and Data Reception

 WebSummit - Women in Tech

 Tech Up For Women NYC Conference

 Women Impact Tech

 Grace Hopper Celebration

 Women in Data Science Stanford Conference (WiDS)

Let's get right into them!

 Tech Event #1: Women in Digital

Women in Digital is a conference held in Athens that connects and provides a platform for women in the fields of Information Technology, Retail, and Marketing.

Accomplished women leaders in the technology sector, with pioneering and innovative ideas, advocate for diversity and share their knowledge essential for every team within a company.

The conference aims to emphasize the following:

- Practices that women can adopt to enhance their career path within their respective companies, as well as their hard and soft skills.

- Strengthening corporate culture concerning diversity and inclusion.

- Upskilling and reskilling opportunities.

- Highlighting women's contribution as entrepreneurs in the digital transformation of businesses.

- Workshops on tactics related to work-life balance.

 Tech Event #2: WomenTech Global Conference

WomenTech Global Conference, organized by the WomenTech Network and Coding Girls Foundation, is dedicated to empowering women in technology through leadership development, professional growth, and networking events.

It encompasses a wide range of live events across different time zones, including career development expos, workshops, panel discussions, networking opportunities, and much more.

This conference provides a significant networking opportunity for 100,000 women in the technology field, with 5,000 ambassadors, representing 181 countries, and over 500 speakers.

Some of the featured themes include:

- The future of work

- Cloud Technologies

- Software Engineering and Web Development

- Cybersecurity

- Hardware and Robotics

- AI and Automation

- Data Science and Life Science Technologies

The location of the conference is virtual and hybrid.

 Tech Event #3: The Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit

The Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit is a two-day hybrid conference held in Warsaw, Poland, offering networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities.

It caters to both students and professionals, leaders, entrepreneurs, and activists.

The discussions cover topics such as the metaverse, deep technology, digital ecology, sustainable leadership, cybersecurity, fintech, and more.

 Tech Event #4: Women in Tech Global Summit

The Women in Tech Global Summit is an event that takes place in Paris, with the aim of promoting and empowering women in the STEAM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics).

It is an effort to inform and support the collective endeavor to reduce gender and digital gaps by 2030.

This two-day event focuses on themes such as cybersecurity, sustainability, AI ethics, and digital activism.

 Tech Event #5: WeAreTechWomen

Every year, WeAreTechWomen collaborates with 24,000+ women in its technology community to identify innovations and topics that need to be addressed, focusing on issues that the community itself wishes to learn about.

The annual agenda is built around community feedback to accelerate careers and gain a better understanding of the broader technology industry and the changes that the future of work will bring.

It takes place online and provides innovative sessions in various technology sectors.

Additionally, significant emphasis is placed on women's health and the contribution of technology in this field.

After all, FemTech has brought about radical changes, with many applications being developed to improve women's lives, and many FemTech companies being founded by women entrepreneurs.

 Tech Event #6: European Women in Tech

The European Women in Tech serves as the central meeting place in Europe for women in the technology community.

It is a two-day hybrid event in Amsterdam, with the participation of 5000+ global leaders and decision-makers.

Speakers from major companies such as Amazon Web Services, IKEA, GitHub, and Novartis participate in the event.

 Tech Event #7: Women of Silicon Roundabout

The Women of Silicon Roundabout is the largest event for women in the technology sector in the United Kingdom.

It is a two-day event featuring prominent speakers with deep knowledge of technological trends and business strategy.

It provides a significant opportunity for networking with influential individuals and companies, as well as advice for creating a competitive resume.

 Tech Event #8: Roadmap to Billions

The Roadmap to Millions Conference is an event that seeks to empower the community of Black investors and founders in order to connect and address the funding needs in the field of technological startups.

It is an initiative by Black Women in Tech, taking place in London, and focuses on strengthening the entrepreneurship of Black women in the technology sector through educational sessions and speeches.

 Tech Event #9: Women in Tech Conference

The one-day Women in Tech Conference features speeches by professionals from various fields, ranging from artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to transforming the technological culture.

There is great emphasis and focus on promoting diversity, inclusivity, and professional advancement for women professionals.

The city hosting the conference is Manchester, in England.

 Tech Event #10: Women in AI and Data Reception

The Women in AI and Data Reception is a conference held in London, organized by the company RE-WORK, which is led by women.

Among the speakers are women from the field of Data Science, AI, and Machine Learning.

The main themes of the conference include, among others, the following:

- Deep Learning Algorithms

- Neural Networks

- NLP (Natural Language Processing)

- Machine Learning

- Robotics

 Tech Event #11: WebSummit - Women in Tech

Women in Tech is a technological event for women, initiated by WebSummit.

The event takes place in Lisbon, Portugal.

However, locations may vary and change.

The main purpose of the event is to empower women in the technology field worldwide, promoting networking opportunities and creating mentoring programs.

Renowned women holding leadership positions in various companies, such as Mozilla, are among the speakers.

 Tech Event #12: Tech Up For Women NYC Conference

The Tech Up For Women NYC Conference, is a one-day international conference aimed at supporting and empowering women in the technology industry.

The event focuses on new technological advancements, covering a wide range of topics including cybersecurity, blockchain, and space technology.

By participating in this conference, attendees will gain the necessary resources to enhance their digital literacy and engage in upskilling.

The main themes of the conference include Big Data, medical technology, and AI in general.

 Tech Event #13: Women Impact Tech

The Women Impact Tech in New York City provides an opportunity for professional women to connect and network with leaders in various fields, including AI and Machine Learning.

With participation from over 100 companies, Women Impact Tech offers the ultimate access to information about the future of work from industry leaders.

Previous sponsorships have come from major technology companies such as Netflix, Adobe, Google, and Uber.

 Tech Event #14: Grace Hopper Celebration

The Grace Hopper Celebration, organized by the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, is one of the largest gatherings of women in the technology industry worldwide.

The conference, held in Orlando, Florida, includes speeches from industry leaders, career development workshops, and networking opportunities.

Since its establishment in 1994, it has provided a forum for professional women to share their ideas and experiences in technology-related matters.

 Tech Event #15: Women in Data Science Stanford Conference (WiDS)

The Women in Data Science Stanford Conference (WiDS), funded by companies such as Meta and Google, serves as a pivotal meeting and networking point with distinguished academics in the field of technology.

Among the speakers are women in the field of data science and big data.

The event takes place at Stanford University and is also available online.

Ramping Up

In summary, we extensively discussed the 15 best events for women in tech and emphasized the importance of collective support for women in the technology field.

Artificial intelligence, big data, and data science, in general, are rapidly growing fields with numerous job opportunities.

However, there is still a significant gender gap in participation.

If you are at the beginning of your career and want to learn more regarding data science, follow us for more educational blogs!

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