The 6 Best Python Courses: Free & Paid (2024)

Nowadays, there are a multitude of ways one can learn new things about Python, either for free or for a fee.

Online courses, videos, articles, bootcamps, and books are just some of these ways.

In today's article, we will focus on online courses and specifically on the best Python courses that one can attend, to enhance their knowledge of this popular programming language.

The 6 best Python courses that we will analyze in today's article are as follows:

- Python for Data Science Course by Big Blue

- The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python (Udemy)

- Python for Everybody Specialization from the University of Michigan (Coursera)

- Introduction to Python Programming (Udacity)

- Learn Python for Total Beginners (Udemy)

- Python for Data Science, AI & Development (Coursera)

Let's start with the first online course on our list which is none other than Big Blue's Python for Data Science Course.

 1) Introduction to Python for Data Science (Big Blue)

Big Blue's Python for Data Science Free Course is a hands-on free course where learners are expected to gain valuable knowledge in coding from day one.

Python holds an important place in the field of data science and data analytics, and that’s why Big Blue has created this practical course where theory is combined with practice.

It is self-paced and those who choose it, learn to store, access, and manipulate data from lists and dictionaries.

A certificate is given in Python after the successful completion of exams.

The curriculum includes:

- Introduction to Anaconda Navigator

- Jupyter Notebooks & Numbers

- Strings

- Lists

- Boolean variables and controls

Cost: Free

Level: Beginners

Prerequisites: None

Duration: 10 Videos

 2) The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python (Udemy)

The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python is offered by Udemy and is self-paced.

Some of the key features of this course are as follows:

- 22 hours of on-demand video

- 19 coding exercises

- 15 articles

- Certificate of successful completion

After completing the course, those who attended it are expected to be able to build games, applications, and programs using Python libraries.

Attendees will also gain knowledge on the following:

- Python Object and Data Structure Basics

- Python Decorators

- Python Generators

- Python Comparison Operators

- Python Statements

- Object-oriented programming

- Modules and packages

Rating: 4.6/5

Cost: Paid

 3) Python for Everybody Specialization from the University of Michigan (Coursera)

Python for Everybody Specialization is an equally well-structured Python Course where attendees will learn how to code and analyze data with the help of Python.

The curriculum covers the following thematics:

- Data structures

- Using Python to access web data

- Using databases with Python

- Capstone: data retrieval, processing, and data visualization with Python

Duration: 2 months with 10 hours per week

Cost: Paid

Rating: 4.8/5

 4) Introduction to Python Programming (Udacity)

The Introduction to Python Programming course is offered by Udacity, is free of charge, and promises to teach anyone who chooses it how to solve practical problems using Python.

The course is designed for beginners, contains interactive quizzes, and is self-paced.

The curriculum includes:

- Data types and operators

- Data Structures

- Functions

- Scripting

Price: Free

Duration: Approximately 5 weeks

 5) Learn Python for Total Beginners (Udemy)

Udemy offers Learn Python for Total Beginners, a course that is offered for free but does not provide a certificate of completion.

The curriculum includes:

Introduction to lists, tuples, and dictionaries

- Create and apply functions

- Working with txt files

- Using loops

Rating: 4.5/5

Cost: Free

 6) Python for Data Science, AI & Development (Coursera)

Python for Data Science, AI & Development is a course offered by Coursera that focuses on using Python for data science and software development.

Learners are expected to gain knowledge about data structures, functions, and Python classes, among other things.

At the same time, they will acquire skills in using Python libraries, such as Pandas and NumPy, and code development using Jupyter Notebooks.

Rating: 4.6/5

Level: Beginners

Duration: 25 hours (approx.)

Let’s wrap things up.

 In a Nutshell

So we took a closer look at some of the most popular Python courses to launch your career.

The field of data science and AI offers many career opportunities and jobs with a very good salary. So if you're involved in this subject and want to enrich your knowledge, read more related articles on our blog.

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