12 Best Podcasts for Women in Tech

As gradual efforts are being made to empower women in the field of technology, there are many sources that women can turn to at any time to access information and enhance their skills.

Podcasts are an incredibly accessible source for women to gain useful information and inspiration through the advice and experiences of other women in the technology industry.

There is a plethora of podcasts for women in technology available for download on various channels such as Spotify, Google Play, and iTunes.

In today's guide, we have compiled the 12 best podcasts for women in technology to empower and inform them about the latest technological trends:

 The Women Who Code Podcast

 Women In Tech Show

 Deeper Than Tech

 Leading Women in Tech Podcast

 The Women in HealthTech Show

 FemTech Focus

 Women Talk Tech Podcast

 Women in Tech Podcast, hosted by Espree Devora

 2B Bolder Podcast: Career Insights for the Next Generation of Women in Business & Tech

 Tech Inspired

 Tech Girls Cast

 Extraordinary Women in Tech - EWIT

Let’s Begin!

 Podcast #1: The Women Who Code Podcast

The Women Who Code Podcast is a podcast for women in technology with a primary mission to inspire different women to pursue careers in technology.

The speakers on this podcast include technology leaders from around the world who discuss various trends in technology, digital transformation, the future of work, and ways to promote diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Topics of discussion on the podcast include AI, data science, data science projects, as well as software engineering.

Additionally, significant emphasis is placed on soft skills and upskilling.

 Podcast #2: The Women in Tech Show

The Women in Tech Show is a podcast that covers a wide range of topics for women in the technology field.

Some examples of discussion areas include artificial intelligence, software design, and general career advice.

The host of the podcast, Edaena Salinas, is a software engineer who strives to raise awareness about women in this industry.

 Podcast #3: Deeper Than Tech

Deeper Than Tech is a podcast aimed at helping Black women in technology understand how to navigate the technology space.

Key topics of discussion include data science, data analysis, salary negotiation, and various discriminations in this field.

The podcast also addresses issues such as how one can recognize a good bootcamp from a bad one and whether it is possible to enter the technology industry without a degree.

 Podcast #4: Leading Women in Tech Podcast

The Leading Women in Tech Podcast, is a podcast that discusses how the next generation of female leaders in the technology industry can be created.

In this podcast, leadership advice and strategies are provided for women to stand out and succeed.

 Podcast #5: The Women in HealthTech Show

The The Women in HealthTech Show is a podcast aimed at helping technology companies in the healthcare space founded by women to have successful journeys.

It shares stories about success and failure and provides useful advice from healthcare professionals.

After all, FemTech has laid a strong foundation for positive change with great prospects.

 Podcast #6: FemTech Focus

FemTech Focus is a production of FemHealth Insights and is hosted by CEO Brittany Barreto.

It is a significant podcast for women in technology, attracting people who support, invest in, and innovate in the FemTech market to discuss the future of women's health and well-being.

The discussions primarily focus on fundamental questions such as when we will have effective treatments for women's health issues like menopause, while also highlighting innovative solutions that improve women's health.

 Podcast #7: Women Talk Tech Podcast

The Women Talk Tech Podcast is a podcast for women in technology where each episode tells the story of a woman who had to face various challenges and biases to pursue a career in the competitive technology field.

 Podcast #8: Women in Tech Podcast, hosted by Espree Devora

The Women in Tech Podcast hosted by Espree Devora of WeAreLATech, features women with diverse technology professions such as UX and UI designers, engineers, and professionals involved in AI and healthcare.

 Podcast #9: 2B Bolder Podcast: Career Insights for the Next Generation of Women in Business & Tech

The 2B Bolder Podcast, hosted by Mary Killelea, is a podcast for women in technology who share their career insights for the next generation of women in the business and technology sectors.

In the 2B Bolder Podcast, listeners can hear stories of how successful women have risen to leadership positions in various companies despite facing different challenges.

The speakers include women executives in businesses, developers, and engineers, among others.

 Podcast #10: Tech Inspired

Tech Inspired is a podcast for women in the technology field that provides women with all the necessary tools and useful advice to start a career in technology.

Among the speakers are women in the field of data analysis and cybersecurity.

 Podcast #11: Tech Girls Cast

Tech Girls Cast is a podcast for women entering the technology field and facing significant challenges.

The host and computer science professor, Jacqueline Corley, provides advice to help aspiring women succeed in this field.

This podcast is aimed at every woman transitioning into the technology field and wanting to acquire programming skills or serve as inspiration for more women to enter this sector.

 Podcast #12: She Talks Tech

She Talks Tech is a podcast for women in technology aimed at promoting change and innovation through valuable advice from some of the top women (and men) in technology.

Topics of discussion include robotics and fintech applications.

This podcast is an initiative of WeAreTechWomen, which organizes significant tech events for women and is worth participating in.

 Final Thoughts

We extensively discussed the 12 best podcasts for women in tech and the importance of supporting and empowering women's leadership in the technology industry.

Artificial intelligence and data science, in general, are fields with significant growth and numerous professional advancement opportunities

If you are intrigued and want to learn more about these topics, follow us and we will keep you posted with more educational articles.

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